This week in Gerry Anderson news!

Reader! Where the devil have you been, off sunning yourself on some beach? Please, no excuses; believe it or not this is the Gerry Anderson news roundup, it has one function, it's very simple, it's to report on Gerry Anderson news! Alright? Let's go...
This week's edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Sunday evening, and featured the second part of an interview with one of Moonbase Alpha's security guards, Space:1999 actor Jack Klaff!
Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser Podcast (also available on all podcast platforms) Captain Scarlet was in a race to save Spectrum's fuel reserves, as he took on the Fire at Rig 15!
The DVD and Blu-ray release of Stand by for Action 2: Tunes of Danger is now in stock and shipping from the Official Gerry Anderson Store! You can read more about the release in a new article here and purchase your copy (if you haven't already) at the Store!
Unfortunately, due to manufacturing issues beyond our control, the CD version of the concert is now not expected to be shipping until March. Apologies to all who are waiting on their copies - please stand by for (eventual) action!

Following last year's First Action Bureau novel Damaged Goods, written by Richard James, this week we launched the audiobook version read by Genevieve Gaunt! Read more in a new article here or order your copy from the Store here.
Celebrating a January 6th birthday was Lavender Castle voice artist David Holt, while popular Anderson episodes that first aired in the UK this week in years past include Captain Scarlet’s Seek and Destroy (January 5th 1968), Joe 90’s Arctic Adventure (January 5th 1969), Fireball XL5's Space Monster (January 6th 1963), Thunderbirds’ City of Fire (January 6th 1966), UFO’s Survival (January 6th 1971), Lavender Castle's In the Beginning (January 7th 1999) and Duelling Banjos (January 6th 2000), Space:1999's The Infernal Machine (January 8th 1976) and Stingray's Rescue from the Skies (January 10th 1965).
I'm giving you just seven days to get back here for another news roundup - and I won't be sleeping at all!