Although the Anderson shows are well known for featuring organisations headed by single fathers working alongside their grown-up children, not all of the...
By Chris DaleMarch 19, 2023Between 1957’s The Adventures of Twizzle and 2005’s New Captain Scarlet Gerry Anderson produced 18 television shows, all of which still enjoy varying...
By Chris DaleFebruary 21, 2023Valentine’s Day is here again, and the Gerry Anderson universe certainly offered viewers a wide variety of romantic relationships and dashing characters over...
By Chris DaleFebruary 14, 2023The huge, yellow shape of the 88th Precinct Station-house drifted silently and watchfully over the bright lights of Demeter City far below on...
By Andrew ClementsFebruary 10, 2023It’s been another busy week for all things Anderson! On Tuesday we announced a livestream event for Monday January 30th celebrating the launch...
By Chris DaleJanuary 28, 2023Having picked some of our favourite winter-themed episodes from the Anderson television shows, it only seems logical to cast an eye over the...
By Chris DaleDecember 19, 2022In this episode of the Gerry Anderson Podcast, David Quilter joins us to discuss breaking into television, how he got cast in the...
By Chris DaleJune 27, 2022Actor David Quilter joins Richard James to reminisce about working on Space Precinct! From his first viewing of an Agatha Christie play, David...
By Chris DaleJune 20, 2022Time Bomb Comics is delighted to announce a new partnership with Anderson Entertainment in a deal brokered by Larkshead Licensing. The first publication...
By Chris DaleMarch 10, 2022When Space Precinct entered production at Pinewood Studios in 1994, it was the beginning of a year of work for its cast and...
By Chris DaleMarch 6, 2022