Your Questions Answered About Our Thunderbirds Collectors Edition Blu-Ray

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Your Questions Answered About Our Thunderbirds Collectors Edition Blu-Ray - The Gerry Anderson Store

Thunderbirds are go - in 4:3 and mono! 

Anderson Entertainment is busily preparing an exciting line-up of celebratory releases and events to mark Thunderbirds' 60th anniversary this year. A highlight of these will be our forthcoming definitive Blu-Ray release of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's classic TV series, restored to its 4:3 aspect ratio and mono soundtrack.

Our Thunderbirds Collectors Edition Blu-Ray also marks the beginning of a renewed home entertainment deal with ITV. Over the next few years, you'll be seeing plenty more of Gerry and Sylvia's fantastic worlds released on Blu-Ray and 4K.

Since our initial announcement of the Thunderbirds Blu-Ray last week, we've been inundated with questions about what this release will contain. Further announcements on the Blu-Ray will be revealed over the coming months, but until then, we've gathered together many of your most pertinent questions and have provided answers below!

What is the source for the masters of these episodes?

The main master source for our Thunderbirds Blu-Ray is from the restorations from the Blu-Ray boxset released for the Japanese market in 2015. These restorations have been available to view on ITVX. However, we're aware of several errors within these restorations, which we're seeking to amend for our own release.

What soundtrack will be included?

The original mono soundtrack will be the default setting for this release, but it will also include the 5.1 mix from the early 2000s as an option.

Will the release include Thunderbirds Are Go and Thunderbird 6?

No - Thunderbirds Are Go and Thunderbird 6 are owned by MGM, but we are working to release these titles under the Anderson Entertainment banner.

Will the release include the Super Space Theatre compilation movies?

When you're trapped in the sky and ready to crash-dive into adventure, sometimes a rescue comes with a surprisingly sharper view...

What region will the Blu-Ray set be in?

Our Blu-Ray release will be ABC region free, enabling it to play worldwide.

Will it have subtitles?

Yes - our release will have English HOH subtitles. We're also looking into including subtitles in other languages.

Will it contain extras?

Yes! The boxset will contain a host of material from previous releases, as well as brand new extras produced exclusively for this release, making this the definitive home release of Thunderbirds. Full details on what these extras are will be announced at a later date.

Will it include the anniversary episodes?

Yes! We're thrilled that our Thunderbirds Blu-Ray will include the three anniversary episodes produced in 2015 by Century 21 Films on physical release for the first time in the UK since the original Kickstarter disc.

What order will the episodes be presented in?

Our release will follow the production order, widely considered to be the 'proper' viewing experience of Thunderbirds. This order places City of Fire as episode 3 and Sun Probe as episode 4, and so on.

When will the set be available to pre-order?

The boxset will be available to pre-order later this year as we thunder towards the series' 60th anniversary in 2025. Sign up to our Thunderbirds mini-website to ensure you don't miss out on its release!

How much will the set be?

TBC. This release will be priced in line with our other home entertainment releases with similar runtimes. We're keen to make this release as accessible as possible.

Will there also be a 4K release of Thunderbirds?

Our Blu-Ray set will be the only way you can experience Thunderbirds restored in pristine HD, but stand by for further announcements in the year for further special assignments!

If there are any 4K releases, will they be AI upscales?

No. AI upscaling is only utilised when original film materials are no longer available. 

Be sure to sign up to our Thunderbirds' 60th anniversary page for all the latest news and announcements about our forthcoming Blu-Ray release, and further surprises that are preparing for blast off!

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I would like the shot of Sidewinder in the teaser standing still for the blu ray, please.

Lewis Hutchison

In the teaser for “Pit Of Peril”, the first shot is of the Sidewinder. But it’s moving! On the DVDs, it’s a shot of it standing still. Please correct this for new blu ray, please.

Lewis Hutchison

How many discs will the blu ray have?

Lewis Hutchison

Happy 60th anniversary to all!

Lewis Hutchison

In the teaser for the episode “Day Of Disaster”, there is different image of the MSP driving passed the camera which is actually in the very first shot of it in the episode. It’s also in the teaser for “Security Hazard”. On the DVDS, the proper image we see in the teaser for both episodes is the MSP passing a building behind it. We actually see that image on Lady Penelope’s television when Parker is adjusting the image. Please fix this small error for the new blu ray release.

Lewis Hutchison

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