This week in Gerry Anderson news!

News roundup to Main Mission, we have ignition - and liftoff!
This week's edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Sunday evening, and featured the first part of an interview with New York Times bestselling author James Swallow! If you prefer to stick with traditional audio-only rather than our new and improved video format you can still catch it (and all other previous episodes) every week either through our website or via your podcast platform of choice.
Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser Podcast (also available on all podcast platforms) the Supercar team had to contend with a Jail Break!

This week's big news is the launch of not one but two brand new Anderson novellas written by author James Swallow; UFO: Shadow Play and Space:1999: The Armageddon Engine! You can read more about these exciting releases in this new article.
You can pre-order signed hardback copies of Shadow Play and The Armageddon Engine individually or as a bundle (with a 25% saving) from the Official Gerry Anderson Store now, for delivery in September!

As we approach the 60th anniversary of Stingray and the launch of our Deadly Uprising anniversary saga, we’re investigating the untold histories of Gerry Anderson’s greatest creations found in the newspaper of the future in the first of a new series of articles!

There’s now less than a month to go until the Stand By For Action! 2: Tunes of Danger concert on July 13th! Here's a new article showcasing five highlights of this incredible evening's entertainment!

This week's Thunderbirds Thursday article takes us back to Mars, to investigate the Martian Rock Snakes seen in the 1966 feature film Thunderbirds are Go - and their subsequent appearances in spinoff media!
Celebrating birthdays this week were Space:1999 star Nick Tate and Space Precinct voice artist Gary Martin (both June 18th), while on June 20th we remembered another 1999 star on the 96th anniversary of the 1928 birth of series lead Martin Landau. Popular Anderson episodes that first aired in the UK this week in years past include Fireball XL5's The Fire Fighters (June 16th 1963), Supercar's The Dragon of Ho Meng (June 17th 1961), Stingray's Marineville Traitor (June 20th 1965), and Terrahawks' Runaway (June 21st 1986).
News roundup returning to base - back on the launch pad next weekend!