This week in Gerry Anderson news! (May 27th 2023)

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This week in Gerry Anderson news! (May 27th 2023) - The Gerry Anderson Store

Calling all Spectrum agents - here’s the latest edition of the Gerry Anderson news roundup!

This week's edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Monday, and featured the first part of an interview with Anna Leong-Brophy, the actress who voices Tin-Tin in our new Thunderbirds audio dramas! If you missed this week’s episode you can catch it (and all other previous episodes) either through our website or via your podcast platform of choice!

Randomiser #174 - Joe 90: Attack of the Tiger - YouTube

Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser Podcast (also available on all podcast platforms) Joe 90 faced a race against time to save the world from nuclear ransom in the episode Attack of the Tiger!

FAB Facts: The Bizarre End Credits Song used in some Italian Versions of Space:1999 - YouTube

On Wednesday this week's FAB Fact video explored the contribution of Oliver Onions to several Space:1999 projects! Who was Oliver Onions? Watch the video to find out more!

A chance find in our warehouse means we now have a very small quantity of Lee Sullivan’s beautiful print celebrating the villains of the Anderson universe! At the time of writing there are only 8 units remaining and we won’t be getting anymore (barring any further warehouse finds!), so if you’d fancy having this rogue’s gallery on your wall then this may be your last chance!

We’re saying goodbye to another batch of t-shirt and cap designs at the Official Gerry Anderson Store, and have gathered them together in a special ‘last chance collection’ available to browse here. And speaking of last chances, this limited edition Captain Scarlet Spectrum logo t-shirt will also be disappearing from the store on Wednesday the 31st! If you want any of these items, be sure to place your order asap!

UFO: Becoming Ed Straker & Directing UFO with Ed Bishop & David Lane - YouTube

Now available on the Official Gerry Anderson YouTube channel is a new short video looking at the early days of UFO, as Ed Bishop discusses how he got the role of Ed Straker and director David Lane talks about how nervous he was when making his episodes.

Ever wondered how Thunderbird 4 returns to Thunderbird 2 following a successful underwater rescue mission? Wonder no more as our own AC explains it all in the first of a new series of articles looking at unanswered Anderson questions!

Anderson actors with posthumous birthdays this week included Rupert Davies (who voiced Professor Ian ‘Mac’ McClaine in Joe 90) and Basil Moss (who played Dr. Frazer in four episodes of UFO and a technician in Doppelgänger) while popular episodes that first aired in the UK this week in years past include Fireball XL5’s Invasion Earth (May 26th 1963), Stingray's Plant of Doom (May 23rd 1965), Terrahawks' Space Cyclops (May 24th 1986) and Supercar’s Deep Seven (May 27th 1961).

That’s all the news for this week – we’ll be back with more next weekend!

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