This week in Gerry Anderson news! (June 10th 2023)

Attention all sections Alpha - here’s the latest edition of the Gerry Anderson news roundup!
This week's edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Monday, and featured the first part of an interview with Scott Evans and Scott Tempest-Mitchell of ITV Content Services who help ensure the preservation of TV, film, and historical archive material that would otherwise be lost! If you missed this week’s episode you can catch it (and all other previous episodes) either through our website or via your podcast platform of choice!
Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser Podcast (also available on all podcast platforms) the residents of Four Feather Falls faced saying goodbye to one of their oldest residents, in The Ma Jones Story!
On Wednesday this week's FAB Fact video took the big red book of This is Your Life in search of several Anderson-related targets! Who did it find? Watch the video to find out more!

With Father’s Day coming up, the Official Gerry Anderson Store has the perfect gift idea for the Jeff Tracy in your family - this Thunderbird 2 bottle opener! To celebrate the launch of this unusual item we've also taken a look back at Thunderbird 2 merchandise lines of the past in this new article - the good, the great, and the strange!
We’ve also been saying goodbye to Network Distributing in another new article you can find here, in which we look back at the company's home media output - particularly their Anderson DVD and Blu-ray releases - over the last 25 years.
It's your last chance to buy tickets to the BritSciFi event at the Leicester Space Centre next weekend! We'll be there across both days, and there'll be a chance to watch a recording of the Gerry Anderson Podcast on the Saturday - with a very special guest taking part in a very special bonus feature! - and FAB Live on the Sunday! Will we see you there?
As part of our 10 months of Terrahawks celebration we have a new video on the Official Gerry Anderson YouTube today (June 10th) - an extended HD edition of the show's very first episode Expect the Unexpected part 1!
Posthumous Anderson actor birthdays this week included Kenneth Connor (June 6th 1918), Jeremy Wilkin (June 6th 1930), Stanley Unwin (June 7th 1911) and Barry Morse (June 10th 1918) while popular episodes that first aired in the UK this week in years past include Fireball XL5’s The Day The Earth Froze (June 9th 1963), Stingray's The Golden Sea (June 6th 1965), Terrahawks' Child’s Play (June 7th 1986) and Supercar’s The Sunken Temple (June 10th 1961).
That’s all we have for this week – see you for more next weekend!