Barry Gray Piano Scores to be Released!

The Barry Gray Archive is releasing a further four Barry Gray piano scores during January 2014, arranged by composer / musician, Alfie Pugh. These will be available through the official Barry Gray website,, where full ordering details can also be found.
The four new scores are:
Jazz in the style of Bach, from Stingray episode 26 “Invisible Enemy”. The original piece can be heard on the Stingray original soundtrack CD, released by Fanderson, disc 1, track 23. Titled on this release as “Girls’ Night In”.
Markham Arms, from Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons episode 32 “The Inquisition”. The original piece can be heard on the Captain Scarlet original soundtrack CD, released by Silva Screen Records, track 18.
The Noon Day Sun, from Thunderbirds episode 20 “Move – and You’re Dead”. The original piece can be heard on the Thunderbirds original soundtrack CD volume 2, released by Silva Screen Records, track 13.
Joe 90 Duet, Theme from “Joe 90”. Arrangers note: This version of Barry Gray's Joe 90 theme corresponds with the commercial recording, found on the No Strings Attached album. It is arranged for piano 4-hands (one piano), and should be playable by intermediate to advanced players. This should be played with attitude and punch, and with a driving beat (the given tempo is the original). The original piece can be heard on the No Strings Attached CD compilation, released by Castle Classics, track 7.
This brings to ten the total number of Barry Gray piano arrangements currently available from the Barry Gray website. The other titles being: Dangerous Game (Thunderbirds), International Concerto (Joe 90), San Martino (Thunderbirds), Something to Shout About (Stingray), The Last Sunset (Space: 1999), and The Tracy Lounge Piano (Thunderbirds).