This week in Gerry Anderson news!

Attention all Anderfans! The Mighty Leader summons you to read this week's news roundup!
This week's edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Sunday evening, and featured the first part of an interview with comics artist Nigel Parkinson! If you prefer to stick with traditional audio-only rather than our new and improved video format you can still catch it (and all other previous episodes) every week either through our website or via your podcast platform of choice.

This week's edition of the Anderson Audio Adventures podcast served up part 6 of Stingray: Monster from the Deep!
Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser Podcast (also available on all podcast platforms) Zelda is once again causing problems for the Terrahawks, in The Gun!

Stand by for...Stingray's replacement? Project Orca, the next chapter in our 60th anniversary Stingray saga Deadly Uprising, is now available to order from the Official Gerry Anderson Store! You can also read more about this novel's place within the saga in a new article here.

Now available as an audiobook download is Wayne Forester's reading of our previous Stingray novel The Titanican Stratagem! Download from the Official Gerry Anderson Store or read more about it in a new article here.

Continuing our countdown of the most popular Stingray episodes, as voted by our social media followers, this week we took a look at #5 - The Ghost Ship!

In a new interview this week we caught up with tv presenter and Thunderbirds fan Martin Roberts, who is putting an original puppet from the series up for auction!

This week's Thunderbirds Thursday article set about investigating the Hood’s schemes and determining which one was the best!
On November 7th we remembered the voice of the Supermarionation Lieutenant Green Cy Grant on the 105th anniversary of his 1919 birth, while popular Anderson episodes that first aired in the UK this week in years past include Captain Scarlet's White as Snow (November 3rd 1967), Joe 90's The Fortress (November 3rd 1968), Fireball XL5's The Doomed Planet (November 4th 1962), Thunderbirds' Day of Disaster (November 4th 1965), Terrahawks' My Kingdom for a ZEAF (November 4th 1984) and The Ugliest Monster of All (November 5th 1983), New Captain Scarlet's Duel (November 5th 2005), Thunderbirds' Ricochet (November 6th 1966), Space:1999's Black Sun (November 6th 1975), Stingray's Set Sail for Adventure (November 8th 1964), and The Secret Service's Errand of Mercy (November 9th 1969).
This is fantastic news! For your bravery and devotion to reading, you shall have the honour of reading the next news roundup - next weekend!