Halloween Anderson costume ideas
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3 Min read

October is here, which means Halloween is approaching fast! Sure, you could dress up as a Tracy brother, Spectrum Captain or Moonbase Alpha operative for the big Halloween party, but if you're looking for more unconventional Anderson-themed inspiration for your Halloween costume ideas this year then you might want to consider this collection of spooks, freaks and weirdos that are sure* to strike fear into the hearts of your friends and family!
* - May not work with your particular friends and family.
Whether you have fond memories of Roberta Leigh’s late 1950s children’s puppet fantasy, or regard it as nightmare fuel incarnate, there’s no doubt that a Torchy costume is sure to turn more than a few heads should you be brave/mad enough to attempt to make one! And if your friends are running low on costume ideas, Torchy has an assortment of equally odd acquaintances who should provide Halloween costume ideas for the next few decades or so...!
Want to recreate an Anderson-themed costume for your Halloween party, but don’t have much of a budget to work with? Not to worry; simply throw a sheet over yourself (hat and cigar optional) and pretend to be a spooky ghost haunting the old mine, much like Four Feather Falls' Pedro and Fernando once did in the episode Chance of a Ghost! If it was good enough to spook the good citizens of Four Feather Falls, it’s sure to convince your friends!
It’s always nice to see rarer or more unusual characters get the costume treatment, and we’d like to give a particular nod to Thompson from the Stingray episode Invisible Enemy! This alien-controlled gentleman paralysed Marineville in one of the show’s more memorably unsettling episodes, and makes a perfect choice for a Halloween costume - all you really need to make this work is a pair of pyjamas, a watch, and a creepy stare!
Don’t look to us for ideas on how exactly to realise Space:1999’s most terrifying alien threat in costume form – although we’re sure there are those out there who have done so for conventions and would be able to give you advice! Regardless of how you might go about making it, it’s sure to send a shiver up the spine of anyone who remembers cowering behind the sofa from the spider at the heart of the spaceship graveyard in the episode Dragon's Domain!
A Spectrum uniform always makes a good talking point at parties or conventions, and Captain Scarlet’s sworn enemy is a particularly iconic costume. Whether you choose to homage the deep-voiced zombie of the original series, the devilish charmer of the CGI show, or perhaps a combination of the two, you’re sure to jog a few memories of childhood terrors from people who haven't thought about the Mysteron agent in a very long time!
Space Precinct’s infamous Meki serial killer, as brought to life so chillingly by Richard James in the episode Predator and Prey, should prove a simple yet effective costume choice! A black cloak, a bald cap, dentures and some makeup should be all you’d need – but once again, a terrifyingly sinister stare is required to make this costume work to full effect!
Among the more memorably terrifying antagonists from the Anderson universe is Zelda from Terrahawks! Her cackling laugh and most devious plans still haunt the nightmares of many traumatised fans, but her look is not the easiest one to pull off! To help you create the full effect (for those of you who were not blessed with the same fairness of features as the android queen) the Official Gerry Anderson Store offers you the chance to get a facelift with a Zelda Halloween mask – specially designed for Earth scum! This is the ultimate, terrifying dress-up item that has been perfectly crafted for wear – especially on Halloween. So, any Earth scum fancy being ruler for a day?
Torchy the Battery Boy

A g-g-g-host!


The dragon

Captain Black

Enil Kmada


Those are our top picks - but do you have any other suggestions? Have you ever created your own Anderson-themed Halloween costume - and if so, who did you go as? Let us know in the comments below!