This week in Gerry Anderson news! (April 29th 2023)

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This week in Gerry Anderson news! (April 29th 2023) - The Gerry Anderson Store

It’s been another eventful week in the Anderson universe – so here’s a quick roundup of everything you might have missed!

This week's edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Monday, and featured the second part of an interview with marathon runner and Captain Scarlet fan Lloyd Scott! If you missed this week’s episode you can catch it (and all other previous episodes) either through our website or via your podcast platform of choice! Congrats to Lloyd for completing his final London marathon on Sunday April 23rd - while dressed as Captain Scarlet!

Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser Podcast (also available on all podcast platforms) Torchy the Battery Boy faced the possibility that all his friends had forgotten his birthday! Was he right? And does it even matter? Find out in Torchy’s Birthday!!

FAB Facts: Space Precinct Features a Volkswagen Beetle?! - YouTube

On Wednesday this week's FAB Fact video took a look at the Brogan family hopper from Space Precinct – and its connection to a more well-known (and real world) form of transportation!

The Official Gerry Anderson Store has had another delivery of Thunderbirds model kits! At the time of writing Thunderbirds 1, 3, 4, the Fireflash and a transparent Thunderbird 2 are all still available – but considering how quickly they sold out last time they may not be around for long – so don’t miss out again!

Also at the Gerry Anderson Store it’s time to bid farewell to another bundle of clothing lines as we continue to make room for new products so if there’s anything you wanted in this collection, be sure to act fast – they’ll be gone for good at midnight UK time on Sunday!

Fancy hearing even more from Space:1999 composer Derek Wadsworth about the inspirations for his music for the second season of the classic sci-fi show? The Official Gerry Anderson YouTube channel has another instalment in its new archive interview feature with Derek available from today!

Popular Anderson episodes that first aired in the UK this week in years past include Stingray's A Nut for Marineville (April 25th 1965), New Captain Scarlet’s Chiller (April 23rd 2005), Joe 90 series finale The Birthday (April 20th 1969) Fireball XL5's The Robot Freighter Mystery (April 28th 1963) and Supercar series finale King Kool (April 29th 1963).

Finally, we heard the sad news on Thursday that Gerry Anderson Jnr., son of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, had passed away from cancer at the age of 54. We extend our deepest sympathies to his family and all who knew him.

That’s all the news for this week – see you next time!

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