Gerry Anderson Podcast: Pod 17 - Phil Plait (BadAstronomer)

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Pod 17 Phil Plait
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Phil Plait (@BadAstronomer on Twitter) is an astronomer, sceptic, science writer and highly-qualified nerd. He has written two books, Bad Astronomy and Death from the Skies. He has also appeared in several science documentaries, including Phil Plait's Bad Universe on the Discovery Channel. Phil grew up watching and loving science fiction, which he credits with nurturing his interest in science and helping to get him to where he is today. In an extended chat with Jamie, Phil talks about Space:1999 - his favourite episodes and characters, as well as the science of blowing the moon out of Earth's orbit. As usual we also have news, listener emails, and the Randomiser. But please... no more Torchy!

Links from the show:

The Gerry Anderson Store Phil Plait's About Me