This week in Gerry Anderson news!

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This week in Gerry Anderson news! - The Gerry Anderson Store

Nothing is true - except for the latest Gerry Anderson news!

This week's edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Sunday evening, and featured the second part of an interview with voice artist Marc Silk! If you prefer to stick with traditional audio-only rather than our new and improved video format you can still catch it (and all other previous episodes) every week either through our website or via your podcast platform of choice.

Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser Podcast (also available on all podcast platforms) the Supercar team were on the trail of a forger's plates in A Little Art!

Sunday April 14th was Gerry Anderson Day, celebrating the 1929 birth of the man who contributed so much to so many of our favourite shows! Anderson Entertainment ran a twelve-hour marathon of episodes, audios, documentaries and more to celebrate, including a 90-minute livestream hosted by Jack Knoll and Jamie Anderson that also included special guests and exciting reveal announcements! We have an article highlighting those announcements here, while this article reviews everything you may have missed from Gerry Anderson Day 2024!

New on our YouTube channel this week was a new Primer video looking at Gerry Anderson's career in its entirety - how many of these shows and films are you familiar with?

First Action Bureau is back! Damaged Goods, written by Richard James, will be released as a novel, an e-book and a digital audiobook and will be available to pre-order next Friday (April 26th) from the Official Gerry Anderson store. For more information, we have a new article here!

What made you an Anderson fan? Richard and Chris discuss in the latest edition of the Podcast Extra!

This week's Thunderbirds Thursday article investigated the possible uses the prototype vehicle ideas Brains submitted to Jeff Tracy in the 1968 movie Thunderbird 6 might have had for International Rescue! Do you agree with our theories?

As mentioned April 14th was the 95th anniversary of the birth of Gerry Anderson himself, while April 15th was the birthday of Lavender Castle voice artist (and Gerry Anderson Podcast guest) Kate Harbour! Popular Anderson episodes that first aired in the UK this week in years past include Fireball XL5's 1875 (April 14th 1963), Supercar's The Day That Time Stood Still (April 15th 1962), Lavender Castle's Traitor (April 15th 1999), Captain Scarlet's Inferno (April 16th 1968), New Captain Scarlet's Skin Deep (April 16th 2005), and Stingray's The Invaders (April 18th 1965).

We’ll be back next weekend with another Gerry Anderson news roundup – so keep this frequency clear!

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