This week in Gerry Anderson news! (December 9th 2023)

This is Space Intruder Detector, confirming this week's edition of the Gerry Anderson news roundup!
This week's edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Monday, and featured the first part of an interview with actress Sadie Miller! If you prefer to stick with traditional audio-only rather than our new and improved video format you can still catch it (and all other previous episodes) every week either through our website or via your podcast platform of choice.
Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser Podcast (also available on all podcast platforms) the Terrahawks faced their first battle with Lord Tempo in the episode My Kingdom for a Zeaf!

With Christmas fast approaching, we thought you might appreciate a discount DVD bundle to give you something to watch over the holidays! The bundle includes the extended director's cut of the 2022 documentary Gerry Anderson A Life Uncharted, the 2022 Stand by for Action! concert, and The Lost Worlds of Gerry Anderson - at a discount of 44%! Order yours now from the Official Gerry Anderson Store!

This week we heard the sad news that the International Rescue Corps, founded in 1981 and subsequently involved in rescue operations around the world, had been dissolved after more than 40 years service. You can learn more about this unfortunate development in our news article here.

Even watched Stingray in its original UK broadcast order and been a bit perplexed by how disjointed the show's continuity seems? Us too! So we've put together an article highlighting 6 times Stingray's crazy UK broadcast order made no sense - and 1 time it accidentally did!
Popular Anderson episodes that first aired in the UK this week in years past include Terrahawks' Thunder Path (December 3rd 1983), Space:1999's Earthbound (December 4th 1975), Stingray's Titan Goes Pop (December 6th 1964), Captain Scarlet's The Heart of New York (December 8th 1967), Joe 90's Relative Danger (December 8th 1968), Fireball XL5's XL5 to H2O (December 9th 1962), Thunderbirds' Sun Probe (December 9th 1965) and UFO's The Square Triangle (December 9th 1970).
Interception negative, news roundup proceeding to Earth. ETA- next weekend!