
Lady Penelope travels the world aboard Brains’ new airship, Skyship One, unaware that the entire crew are imposters plotting the downfall of International Rescue. Thunderbird 6 is unveiled!
Despite the shock failure of Thunderbirds are Go in 1966 United Artists authorised the production of Thunderbird 6 as a “last hurrah” for the show, giving the production team a budget of £300,000.
Thunderbirds 6 notably featured a scene with a group of laughing puppets which has become well known in fan circles for its unusual and rather creepy nature.
Century 21 Cinema/United Artists – 1967
85 mins
Executive Producer: Gerry Anderson
Producer: Sylvia Anderson
Associate Producer: John Read
Director: David Lane
Director of Photography: Harry Oakes
Art Director: Bob Bell
Visual Effects Director: Derek Meddings
Music Composed, Arranged and Directed by Barry Gray
Voice Cast:
Peter Dyneley, Matt Zimmerman, John Carson,
Shane Rimmer, David Graham, Geoffrey Keen,
Sylvia Anderson, Keith Alexander, Gary Files,
Jeremy Wilkin, Christine Finn