The Gerry Anderson Store's Captain Black Friday 2022 sale roundup!
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2 Min read

Captain Black has seen fit to visit the Official Gerry Anderson Store once again (seven warehouse workers dead, three missing, and one with a distant glassy stare we're sure he didn't have before) for the annual Captain Black Friday sale! We've got a bumper crop of goodies reduced to 50% this year - but only until midnight UK time on Monday November 28th!
Here's a handy guide to spotlight some of the best bargains you can find in this year's sale! Don't forget - everything here is reduced to half price!
In recent years Anderson Entertainment has been reaching into the past and reprinting classic Thunderbirds and Stingray novels in new hardback versions, with accompanying full cast audio dramatisations on CD and download. Thunderbirds adventures Terror from the Stars, Peril in Peru and Operation Asteroids are now half price in either novel or CD format, as are the Stingray tales Operation Icecap and Monster from the Deep.
Old Captain Scarlet and Joe 90 text stories from the same era have also recently made the jump to audio, as part of the TV21 audio annual Anything Can Happen – also now half price on CD!
From unmade shows and films finally given life on the printed page to brand new concepts realised on audio, a selection of titles from 21st century Anderson shows are also included in the sale!
The Firestorm pilot minisode is reduced on DVD and Blu-ray, while the series one collectors CD release of spy-fi drama First Action Bureau is also half price! The novel and audiobook of the unmade 1978 feature film Five Star Five adapted by Richard James and read by Robbie Stevens can also be picked up for 50% off, along with the second book in the Gemini Force 1 trilogy written by M.G. Harris.
With Christmas just around the corner our Thunderbirds and Space:1999 Christmas jumpers are a must have at 50% off, but there’s plenty more wearables to show your support for the Anderverse!
Reduced to 50% are the red and purple sleeved Moonbase Alpha cosplay tops, as are a variety of T-shirts sporting the Thunderbirds and Space:1999 series logos, plus the insignias of Spectrum, International Rescue, SHADO, and Moonbase Alpha!
Our collections of pin badges featuring familiar emblems from the Thunderbirds and Space:1999 universes are also on sale, while those who fancy a facelift can’t go wrong with the Terrahawks Zelda Halloween face mask!
Looking to while away the hours during those long upcoming winter months? Jigsaw fans can set to work on these 1000-piece Thunderbirds and Space:1999 puzzles, featuring new original artwork produced by artist Lee Sullivan (whose iconic goodies and baddies prints are also included the sale). The new Thunderbirds co-operative card game Danger Zone is also included in the sale - can you save the day as a member of International Rescue, or will your efforts lead to disaster?
For those more interested in just watching classic Anderson television action Terrahawks and Space:1999 DVDs and Blu-rays can provide plenty, and are best enjoyed over a steaming hot beverage in our Anderson-inspired control panel mugs (and matching coasters) designed by artist Gail Myerscough - with the mugs available either individually or as a set!
Classic series, new adventures

The new frontier

A certain uniformity

As time goes by

All this and more can be found in the Gerry Anderson Store’s Captain Black Friday sale, running until midnight (UK time) on Monday November 28th – but only while stocks last! It's also the very last sale the store will be running until 2023, so don't miss out!