This week in Gerry Anderson news!

Attention terraineans! Teufel is looking upon you, to decide if you are the friend or the enemy of our people! While he mulls it over, why not get up to speed with the Gerry Anderson news roundup?
This week's edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Sunday evening, and featured the second part of an interview with Stingray : The Titanican Stratagem author Chris Dale! If you prefer to stick with traditional audio-only rather than our new and improved video format you can still catch it (and all other previous episodes) every week either through our website or via your podcast platform of choice.
Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser Podcast (also available on all podcast platforms) Stew Dapples turns traitor in the Terrahawks episode Ten Top Pop!

Pre-orders are now shipping from the Official Gerry Anderson Store of our Space:1999 VIP Eagle model and replica Stingray sidearm! There's still time to order yours, but don't miss out - both are limited releases!

As we surge towards Stingray's 60th anniversary, we asked you to pick your favourite episodes of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s classic 1964 sci-fi underwater series that should receive in-depth analytical retrospectives. Based on your picks, we’ve collated a top 10 selection of Stingray’s greatest episodes to receive a review – as voted for by you! - and we began our countdown of Stingray’s top 10 episodes this week with a tumultuous visit from the World Navy…

The members of International Rescue dedicate their lives to helping those in need of saving. But what else do the valiant Tracy brothers get up to? What were their careers prior to International Rescue’s formation? This week's Thunderbirds Thursday article investigates the non-IR lives of the Tracy brothers in a new article!
Friday evening saw a special broadcast on our YouTube channel celebrating the 25th anniversary of Anderson Entertainment, featuring full episodes in high definition, our favourite clips from the podcast, behind the scenes documentaries, and a personal message from Jamie Anderson himself. There's also an exclusive first look at Deadly Concerto, hot from our recent concert, which kicks off our brand new Stingray multi-platform narrative Deadly Uprising. Don't miss out!
Celebrating a birthday this week (August 18th) was Space:1999 season two extra Pam Rose, while August 21st saw the 108th anniversary of the 1916 birth of Thunderbird 6 guest voice Geoffrey Keen and two popular Anderson episodes that first aired in the UK this week in years past include Four Feather Falls' A Cure for Everything (August 18th 1960), and Space:1999's The Seance Spectre (August 18th 1977).
Teufel has turned his back upon you! You are sentenced to spend one week in the underwater prison of Aquatraz - and await the next edition of the Gerry Anderson news roundup!