Anderson Insiders Launched
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3 Min read
Today sees the launch of Anderson Insiders - a new programme from Anderson Entertainment allowing patrons to get special, exclusive content - all operated via Patreon.
Anderson Insiders exists to support everything that Anderson Entertainment does and to give fans who want more than the free content we provide every week special access to exclusive content.
Patrons can choose to sign up at one of three levels (Recruit at £5/month, Lieutenant at £10/month or Special Agent at £25/month) and receive weekly updates from Anderson Entertainment about everything that we're working on both past, present and future. Patrons will (dependent on the level of support) receive exclusive access to a range of Anderson Insiders specials like videos, Q&As, other live streams including watch-alongs, items from Gerry Anderson's personal collection, as well as digital downloads like audiobooks and archive interviews.
Supporters will also be showing their support for everything else Anderson Entertainment does across the internet to create free content for Anderson fans worldwide like our YouTube channel, podcast, website, and much much more across social media.
We'd love it if you join The Anderson Insider's Patreon today as a recruit, lieutenant, or a special agent so that you can start enjoying all of the exclusive content we want to share with you right now.
Ready to become an Anderson Insider?
Want to know more?
What is Patreon?
Patreon is a way to join your favourite creator's community and pay them for making the stuff you love. Instead of literally throwing money at your screen (trust us, that doesn’t work), you can now pay a few bucks per month or per post that a creator makes.How much does it cost?
You can join as one of three tiers of a supporter: Recruit at £5/month, Lieutenant at £10/month or Special Agent at £25/month. You can cancel at any time.What do I get in return?
Why is Anderson Entertainment starting this now?
There are two reasons for us starting Anderson Insiders now.- It's a project we've wanted to do for some time as we know that some fans of Gerry Anderson's work want more in-depth content than we are able to provide free of charge.
- In the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Anderson Insiders will help support Anderson Entertainment's work while we weather the effects of the virus on the industry as a whole.