TV21 - Reprints in the 21st Century (part 2) - The Gerry Anderson Vintage Comic Collection

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7 Min read
TV21 - Reprints in the 21st Century (part 2) - The Gerry Anderson Vintage Comic Collection
Partworks are a curious beast of the publishing world. We’ve all seen the commercials; “build your own model of the Isle of Wight ferry, complete in 150 issues – issue 1 just £1.99! (Regular price £7.99).” Either that or you’re being encouraged to buy a television series episode by episode for ultimately five times the price you’d pay for the complete boxset on Amazon, or to take up a new hobby that will last you until the shops stop carrying the title around issue 6 or 7 and it becomes subscription-only. Partworks are also extremely popular, with the more successful titles ranking among the fourth or fifth best-selling magazines in the country. At their best, partworks can be an invaluable reference guide, a definitive collection of classic material, or a showcase for talented artists and craftsmen to display their skills – and, when it comes to television and film-based titles, something of a gift to fans. Curiously, while other franchises have spawned partworks of all kinds there has never been a successful partwork series published in the UK based on any of the Gerry Anderson shows. The closest we ever got came in 2004 when DeAgostini trialled a Thunderbirds partwork where each issue would have included a DVD and an accompanying magazine analysing each episode in detail. It’s a shame that one didn’t achieve a national release, as the same company later produced a similar superb partwork covering The Prisoner and Danger Man. It came as something of a surprise in October 2013 when Eaglemoss announced the Gerry Anderson Vintage Comic Collection, a weekly partwork that would be reprinting the classic TV21 strips (alongside others from comics such as Countdown and Look-In) in a series of hardback volumes. Seemingly inspired by the success of Hachette Partworks’ Marvel Graphic Novels Collections, promotional material suggests that this was originally planned to run for at least fifty issues (presumably this would have been extended had the series been a success) covering eight Anderson television series as well as the Lady Penelope strips. Each issue would showcase a particular series, and feature between three and five strips presented in their original publication order. It’s interesting to note that the title of the collection doesn’t include the words ‘complete’ or ‘definitive’ (although the latter word is used in the introduction to the first volume) as several Anderson series that made the leap to comic form are noticeable by their absence; The Secret Service, The Protectors, Terrahawks and Space Precinct (and yes, if anyone points to the caption above that mentions ‘greatest TV series’ I will thump them). The most glaring absence from the line-up would have to be Zero-X, which despite being a spinoff from the Thunderbirds are Go feature film rather than a television series was nevertheless a mainstay strip in TV21 for a number of years and has always been regularly included in reprints throughout the 1990s and 2010s. Again, had the collection been a success maybe Paul Travers and the gang would have appeared in due course – it’s hard to see why they would be left out! As with the DeAgostini Thunderbirds magazine the Vintage Comics Collection received a limited trial run in only a few places (Southampton and Hampshire are two areas known to have carried it). This is an annoying although not uncommon practice for partworks; trial them in a small area first, see how they sell over half-a-dozen issues, then relaunch the title on a national level or drop the project entirely depending on how well it sold. Sadly, as with the Thunderbirds magazine, this title appears not to have sold well and the trial was suspended after just five issues. These five issues included; Volume 1: Thunderbirds Blazing Danger, Mission to Africa and Talons of the Eagle. Volume 2: ThunderbirdsAtlantic Tunnel, Solar Danger and The Big Freeze. Volume 3: StingrayThe Monster Jellyfish, Curse of the Crustavons, The Atlanta Kidnap Affair and The Haunting of Station 17. Volume 4: Captain Scarlet We Will Destroy Unity City, We Will Destroy The Observatory Network, We Will Destroy Earth Communications and Secret Mission. Volume 5: ThunderbirdsOperation Depthprobe, The Trapped Spy, Operation Earthquake, Tracy Island Exposed and The Revolution. while the unproduced volume 6 would have included the Fireball XL5 strips Attack of the Batmen, The Vengeance of Saharis, and The Astran Assassination. The first issue is an interesting oddity in this collection, as rather than just reprinting the first three Thunderbirds strip stories Eaglemoss decided to make a few changes to two of them (Blazing Danger and Mission to Africa). The first change is something that occurred pretty regularly when the TV21 strips were being reprinted in the early 1990s; that of colourising pages that had originally been printed in black and white. Nothing we're not used to, but it was interesting to jump forward to issue four where the black-and-white sections of the Captain Scarlet strips featured there remain monochrome - possibly it was ultimately decided that colourising so much monochrome material would just be too much trouble. While there were one or two problems with the colourising (usually involving mixups with the Tracy brothers’ sashes) on the whole it was very sympathetically done and a considerable improvement on previous attempts.
(Left) An original black-and-white panel from Thunderbirds: Blazing Danger (1966). (Right) The same panel colourised for the Vintage Comic Collection.
The second change was a much more controversial one. Since each chapter of the first two Thunderbirds strip stories ran for three pages (a two-page centre-spread plus a third page) you either have to include an unrelated fourth page before starting the next chapter – or chop the next chapter’s centre-spread in half and begin it on page four, which was the approach Eaglemoss decided to take here. It was an interesting experiment, and great care was taken to move individual panels around the page without compromising the story, but for those readers who’ve grown up with these stories the difference was rather striking.
Left: the first half of a Blazing Danger centrespread condensed onto one page. Right; the original unedited spread.
The remaining four volumes reprinted the strips as we’d always been familiar with them, often including various TV21 adverts of the time (“at last we’ve brought about world peace thanks to our STINGRAY ARM FINS!”) as well as other extras such as vehicle cutaways, profiles of the characters and a history of TV21 and the people involved in its creation. These features weren’t likely to tell you much you didn’t already know, but they were a nice little bonus and well-presented despite the occasional unfortunate spelling mistake. Some bonuses were offered to those who took out a subscription to the collection; digital copies of the comics, a Gerry Anderson calendar, replica FAB 1 number plate and diecast models of Stingray, Thunderbird 2 and the SPV. The models in particular are worth mentioning, as they claim to have been specially made for the collection and yet they seem to be nothing more than previously-available models oddly photoshopped onto display stands – particularly noticeable with the SPV, which was shown at a totally different angle to the stand it sat on! Some overall positives and negatives of this range… Positives; The fact that Eaglemoss even tried to launch a Gerry Anderson partwork; why have we never had one, when there’s partworks for pretty much everything else ever? And why is such a vast body of brilliant work so consistently ignored? The beautiful cover artworks of these books were another highlight. Lee Sullivan, probably better known for his Doctor Who work but who also worked on Redan’s Thunderbirds comic back in the early 2000s and has remained closely linked with the Anderson world ever since, provided five beautiful paintings of Stingray, the Thunderbirds and the SPV and Angels in suitably eye-catching action shots. It’s difficult to choose a favourite – volume 5’s Thunderbird 4 cover is stunning, but I can’t help but pick volume 4’s SPV cover as the best! In fact, the books were generally very nicely designed throughout. Also, despite them ultimately not making any appearance in the range at all, it was nice to see that some rarer strips such as Supercar, Joe 90, UFO and Space:1999 were planned to be included. All four titles would have made extremely welcome additions to a line-up that might have felt just a touch too familiar without them. (Really, just how many times can we possibly read The Atlantic Tunnel?) Negatives; The rearranging of the artwork in the first volume may have been a point of contention for some readers, and while it was sympathetically done it was ultimately unnecessary. Additionally, the weekly publication rate may have made the collection prohibitively expensive for some, but had this received a nationwide launch then it probably would have been released at a fortnightly rate. Considering the amount of rare material that may have been included in this case, it's such a shame it wasn’t to be! Although these aren’t the easiest titles to track down they’re usually pretty inexpensive when you can find them. They occasionally turn up at conventions and on ebay and Amazon too, but expect these to become harder to find before too long!

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