5 Reasons to Get Excited for Thunderbirds' 60th Anniversary

As 2024 winds down, 2025 brings with it several significant anniversaries for some of Gerry Anderson's best-loved works - 50 years of Space: 1999, 60 years of TV Century 21, 20 years of New Captain Scarlet, and 60 years of Thunderbirds. As our 60th anniversary celebrations of Stingray wind down, we're looking ahead to Thunderbirds' own forthcoming landmark anniversary! What surprises could be gearing up for blast off in 2025? Let's investigate!
5. New Corgi models

As you may have seen in pods 338 and 399 of the Gerry Anderson Podcast, and following on from their Stingray model released earlier this year, diecast model maker Corgi is producing a new range of Thunderbirds vehicles in celebration of the 60th anniversary! Corgi's Head of Marketing, David Mather, revealed all about Corgi's forthcoming plans for new diecast Thunderbirds models, and provided us with an exclusive reveal of the upcoming Corgi Thunderbird 2 model.
All five classic Thunderbird craft and FAB 1 will form part of Corgi's Thunderbirds range for next year - and yes, Corgi's Thunderbird 3 and 5 will have docking capabilities! These stunning collectable models will undoubtedly form a vital part of any Anderfan's Thunderbirds collection.
4. Episode retrospectives

Our Stingray Deep Dives have proved a popular way of uplifting your favourite episodes of the classic underwater series, and we'll be continuing these top 10 retrospectives for Thunderbirds in the new year. Packed full of insightful critical analysis and behind-the-scenes details, keep your eyes peeled across our social media channels for you to vote for your favourite Thunderbirds episodes that you'd most like to see receive a retrospective.
3. New classic publications?

Our ongoing range of classic comic anthologies collecting Gerry Anderson comics from the pages of TV Century 21, Countdown, Look-in, and beyond continue to be popular and eagle-eyed fans among you will have noticed we like to produce these in time for each series' anniversaries. 2024 saw the release of two colossal anthologies gathering the classic comics of Stingray. Will 2025 bring newly produced anthologies of classic Thunderbirds comics? You'll have to stand by for rescue action...
2. Other upcoming releases

We have plenty of other surprises preparing for blast off for Thunderbirds' 60th - but what could they be? The sad collapse of Network Distributing in 2023 prevented a definitive Blu-ray release of Thunderbirds from being made. Could that change next year? Many Anderfans have also been asking after a Thunderbirds edition of our popular Technical Operations Manuals. Could 2025 be the year that you'll discover all the secrets of International Rescue? In true Thunderbirds style, security must remain a top priority on our plans (for now, at least...).
1. 60 years of incredible rescue adventure

2025 represents a fantastic milestone to celebrate Thunderbirds. The series is, arguably, Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's most universally adored creation, and continues to prove its longevity as a standard-setter of sci-fi adventure that's kept multiple generations on the edge of their seats. However you may be celebrating over half a century of International Rescue, 2025 gives us a chance to fully appreciate Thunderbirds' worthwhile place in Gerry Anderson's filmography. 60 years on from its ground-breaking special effects and imaginative storytelling of heroic rescue adventure, Thunderbirds are definitely still go!
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