This week in Gerry Anderson news! (November 4th 2023)

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This week in Gerry Anderson news! (November 4th 2023) - The Gerry Anderson Store

Console to pilot - opening roof doors for the Gerry Anderson news roundup!

Pod 281: Radio Times' Mark Braxton! - YouTube

This week's edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Monday, and featured an interview with Mark Braxton from the Radio Times! If you prefer to stick with traditional audio-only rather than our new and improved video format you can still catch it (and all other previous episodes) every week either through our website or via your podcast platform of choice.

Randomiser #197 - New Captain Scarlet: Rat Trap - YouTube

Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser Podcast (also available on all podcast platforms) Spectrum faced danger on Mars in the New Captain Scarlet episode Rat Trap!

Anderson Entertainment will have a stand at the Scale ModelWorld event being held at the International Centre in Telford on the weekend of November 11th and 12th! We’ll be showcasing some of our most recent merchandise, much of which has never been available to purchase at any event before, as well as a chance to see the prototypes of our upcoming new premium Space:1999 Eagles – plus one or two exclusive teases of upcoming releases! For more information on the event or to book tickets, visit the Scale ModelWorld website.

The Space:1999 comic anthology is now in stock and shipping from the Official Gerry Anderson Store! This beautiful 320-page hardback collects for the first time since publication all the Space: 1999 Look-in strips, stories and features, plus a wealth of background articles and interviews and a look at the foreign reprints and its American counterpart magazines and comics. The Anthology is also available as part of a bundle with the Aftershock and Awe & To Everything That Was hardback graphic novel collections!

On Wednesday we dropped a few hints at upcoming releases and events for November 2023 in this article - perhaps more than meets the eye, if you read between the lines...

Celebrating birthdays this week were New Captain Scarlet's Destiny Angel Emma Tate (October 30th), Space:1999 star Anton Phillips and Lavender Castle voice artist Robert Rackstraw (both October 31st) while popular episodes that first aired in the UK this week in years past include Space:1999’s Mission of the Darians (October 30th 1975), Captain Scarlet's White as Snow (November 3rd 1967), Stingray's Loch Ness Monster (November 1st 1964) and Thunderbirds' Day of Disaster (November 4th 1965)!

Console to pilot! We shall, ah, return next weekend with another Gerry Anderson news roundup – most satisfactory!

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