Project 90
Technical Operations Manual

Secure your copy now - remember the Most Special Edition is limited to just 90 units worldwide!


No B.I.G.R.A.T? No problem. Learn all of the secrets of the World Intelligence Network!

Joe 90 Technical Operations Manual: Standard Edition

Uncover the truth behind the World Intelligence Network’s most closely guarded secret!


Joe McClaine is just your average 9-year-old boy but using the BIGRAT, a miraculous machine developed by his father, he is able to become an astronaut, scuba diver, brain surgeon and most importantly, WIN’s most special agent codenamed Joe 90!


This book covers all aspects of Project 90 – approved vehicles, equipment, personnel and mission case studies.


All certified and top secret!


Joe 90 Technical Operations Manual: Most Special Edition


Limited to just 90 units worldwide. Stictly limited to one per customer.


Presented in a custom box Project 90 box the most special edition contains the Joe 90 Technical Operations Manual alongside a range of specially produced items including:
  • Numbered ID card uniquely numbered from 01 to 90 which acts as your certificate of authenticity, Joe W.I.N badge, W.I.N. schematics, briefing documents and more.



Can't wait to get your Joe 90 fix? Try these while you wait...

Joe 90: Original TV Soundtrack: Limited Edition [CD]


Joe 90: The Complete Series (Blu-ray) (Region B)



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