Following the success of various Anderson shows in Japan, at one stage Gerry was approached to pitch a show to a Japanese network...
By Chris DaleJune 9, 2022Japanese gameshow Takeshi’s Castle is a very popular show to this day, and often featured music from other areas of pop culture –...
By Chris DaleJune 2, 2022In December 2000, television historian Jaz Wiseman was searching a film vault in London for material that could possibly be included on Carlton...
By Chris DaleMay 31, 2022Ask any Gerry Anderson fan to list what they most enjoy about any of Gerry Anderson’s science fiction epics and the chances are...
By Andrew ClementsOctober 8, 2016Now available from HMV Japan, Amazon Japan and CD Japan, this new recording of Barry Gray’s original score for Thunderbirds has reached number...
By Jack KnollMay 6, 2016