This week in Gerry Anderson news!

This week's episode of the Gerry Anderson Podcast featured the second half of an interview with Space Precinct animatronics operator Lindsay Harris, plus an episode of Terrahawks on the Randomiser!
Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser podcast, The Protectors had to do some actual protecting for a change in the episode Your Witness!
This week we introduced Terrahawks Tuesday on our YouTube channel! Every Tuesday evening at 6pm UK time we'll be uploading a full free episode of Terrahawks to our YouTube channel - and the very first episode is now live!
Our YouTube channel is also now running Space Precinct Saturdays, offering a full episode of the series every Saturday evening at 6pm UK time! This week; Protect and Survive!
Fancy binge-watching an Anderson series in 2025? This new video offers ten tantalising shows to choose from!
In celebration of Thunderbirds' 60th anniversary this September, Anderson Entertainment is bringing Anderfans a veritable swarm of exciting collectable models of all your favourite International Rescue craft. From die-cast models to premium releases, here's everything you need to know about our forthcoming Thunderbirds collectables in this new article!
Also this week, we took a deep dive into how Stingray reflected a very real underwater zeitgeist of the 1960s in this new article!
Those of who have had our new limited edition Space Precinct Blu-Ray collection on pre-order for the last few months will be pleased to hear that at long last we finally received stock at our warehouse on Friday - and they will begin shipping on Monday!
Popular Anderson episodes that premiered in the UK this week in years past include Joe 90's Trial at Sea (March 16th 1969), Fireball XL5's Robert to the Rescue (March 17th 1963), Thunderbirds' Martian Invasion (March 17th 1966), Supercar's Jungle Hazard (March 18th 1961), New Captain Scarlet's Mercury Falling (March 19th 2005), Stingray's Stand by for Action (March 21st 1965), and the Captain Scarlet episode Codename Europa (March 21st 1968).