This week in Gerry Anderson news!

So, friend Zarin, it is time for the Gerry Anderson news roundup - pay attention, worm!
This week's edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Sunday evening at 7pm, and featured the second part of an interview with writer and Wooden Overcoats creator David K. Barnes! If you prefer to stick with traditional audio-only rather than our new and improved video format you can still catch it (and all other previous episodes) every week either through our website or via your podcast platform of choice.
Also new this week over on the Gerry Anderson Randomiser Podcast (also available on all podcast platforms) the residents of Moonbase Alpha suddenly find themselves in a war in the Space:1999 episode War Games!

Gerry Anderson Day is still a couple of months away (April 14th, in case you need the date for your diary!) but the official 2024 Gerry Anderson Day t-shirt is now available to pre-order from the Official Gerry Anderson Store! The t-shirt features our Gerry Anderson Day 'A' logo made up of many iconic vehicles, logos and other symbols from the worlds of Gerry Anderson, with a special focus on Stingray to commemorate the show's 60th anniversary year. This time-limited edition is only available until 16th April 2024 - so get yours today!

The Monday evening episode of the UK gameshow Pointless featured a round asking contestants to correctly identify non-existent Anderson characters! Did you spot the two fake names in this list - or did you fall for Nurse Jupiter?
This week's Thunderbirds Thursday article dropped more teases about our upcoming Thunderbird 2 model, promising that all will be revealed in a special livestream also asking the all-important question; which Thunderbird craft is your favourite? Join AC, Jack, Ben, Chris T and Willow on the evening of Friday February 16th at 7pm UK time for the debate!

New episodes of the Gerry Anderson Podcast were recorded this week at our studio in Slough, featuring upcoming special guests Morgan Jeffery and Tom Eames of the Two Geeks, Two Beers podcast, and Doctor Who star Nicola Bryant! Tune in to our YouTube channel at 7pm on Sunday evening to see part 1 of Nicola's interview - and is there anyone in particular you'd like to see on the Podcast? Let us know in the comments!

We were very sad to hear of the passing on Monday of actor Michael Jayston, who played Russell Stone in the UFO episode The Sound of Silence and later shared fond memories of working on the episode for the UFO Blu-ray release.
Celebrating a February 7th birthday this week was Captain Scarlet and Joe 90 voice actress Liz Morgan, while popular Anderson episodes that first aired in the UK this week in years past include Stingray's Deep Heat (February 7th 1965), Captain Scarlet's Dangerous Rendezvous (February 9th 1968), Fireball XL5's Convict in Space (February 10th 1963), Thunderbirds' Move - And You’re Dead (Feburary 10th 1966) and UFO's The Dalotek Affair (February 10th 1971).
Well, friend Zarin, and what did you think of that? And the best part is - there'll be more next weekend!
*laughs evilly in extreme closeup with dramatic music*